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Community Working Group

The Ralph Wilson Park Conservancy will work in partnership with the City of Buffalo to operate, maintain, and promote the public use of Ralph Wilson Park. We are launching the Ralph Wilson Park Community Working Group, an evolution of Imagine LaSalle, to ensure that community involvement remains a key strength of Ralph Wilson Park.

The Community Working Group will meet quarterly to share updates about Ralph Wilson Park. The Community Working Group will serve as ambassadors of Ralph Wilson Park by sharing information with their networks and giving the Conservancy community feedback. As Ralph Wilson Park is transformed, and as we get closer to it re-opening, the Community Working Group will support the Conservancy in identifying opportunities and solving challenges in support of Ralph Wilson Park becoming a safe, accessible, vibrant world-class park with exceptional green-space.

Expectations of Community Working Group Members

  1. Be a Representative:  Members represent a larger group (block club, social/activity club, facebook group interested in wildlife, etc) who they frequently communicate with about their interests.
  2. Be an Ambassador. Members agree to share updates about the park with their groups and networks in service of ensuring the community is informed about Ralph Wilson Park.
  3. Be a Participant. Members agree to attend Community Working Group meetings and actively participate in discussion.

Benefits of Serving as a Community Working Group Member

  1. First to receive progress updates about the park.
  2. Part of a team stewarding a major infrastructure project that will improve Buffalo for generations.
  3. Celebrated throughout the year!

Community Working Group Meeting Dates

  • Tuesday, June 6 at 5:30pm
  • Tuesday, September 5 at 5:30pm
  • Tuesday, December 5 at 5:30pm
  • Tuesday, March 5 at 5:30pm